Office Package


How to open computer?
1.    Switch on your line.
2.    Press the power button on the cpu
3.    Press the power button on the monitor box.
4.    Then it will be automatically run or open.

How to shut down or turn off computer?
1.    Click start menu.
2.    Choose shut down or turn off button.
3.    Choose turn off click.

Introduction, classification of computer.
Full Form of Computer
C = common
O = operating
M = machine
P = processing (purpose),
U = used for
T = technical
E = educational andC
R = research.
The term ' computer ' is derived from the main word 'computare' which mains word “computare” which is used calculate. In simple term a computer is an electronic device which is used to calculate, arthmatic and logical data. It produces meaningful information. Computer is used in many purposes like scientific research, educational field, business field and other practical field.


Computer system:
Input operation of the computer is performed by unit processing operation is performed by processing unit output operation is performed by output unit. And storage is performed by storage unit. All these units of the computer systems are combine together four units.
Input unit:
It accepts data from the user. It includes devices such as keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner and digital camera etc.
Processing unit:
It processes data to form information. It includes central processing unit (cpu). It consists of two sub units .arithmetic and logic unit (alu) and control unit (cu).
It produces the result of the processing. It includes devices such as monitor, printer, speaker etc.

It stores data information and result for future use. It includes such as hard disk, optical disk , floppy disk, pen drive , cd etc .
Computer memory:
It is a part of computer system which stores data and information temporarily or permanently. Every computer has got a memory in it. Basically computer memory is divided two types:
1. Primary or main memory
Ii.Staic                                                      ii. Dynamic
i. Prom (programmable read only memory)
Ii. Eprm (erasable programmable read only memory)
Iii.eeprom(etectically erasable programmable read only memory)
2.  Secondary or auxiliary memory:
A. hard disk
B.floppy disk
C. Zip disk
D. Pen drive etc.

CPU (Central Processing Unit):
CPU is the processing unit of the computer. Processing is a procedure that transforms raw data into useful information. CUP is the brain of  computer  CPU is attached to the motherboard or system board.
RAM (Random Access Memory):
Ram stands for random access memory . We can read and write information in it. It is also called volatile or temporary memory because when we switch off the power supply the whole information stored in it is erased there are two types of pam. Static and dynamic.
ROM (Read Only Memory):
Rom stands for read only memory the information of rom is stored at manufacturing time but is never altered after wards . Rom is also known as non – volatile memory or permanent memory.
Hard disk:
A hard disk is the most common storage device . It is capable to store huge data which may be in megabytes (mb) or gigabytes (gb). Most personal computer s consists of  non removable hard disk .basically hard disks are used for storing operating system application programs and data.
 A keyboard is the primary input device through which data or instructions are entered into the computer.
A mouse is a small and most important input device which is used for pointing or drawing . It is connected with the computer by small cable.

The printer is one of the most common output devices . It provides data , program and other  results in a permanent readable form . That  is in a sheet of paper . The output  produced from printer is known as hard copy. Basically, printers are categorized two type's impact and non impact.
The monitor is one of the most common output devices . It displays character and graphics.
Power supply:
Power supply of a pc it also called sumps switch mode power supply ). It resides inside the system unit or casing box.
Ups stands for  uninterrupted power supply . It provides continuous power supply to the computer and protects in from data hard ware damages due to uncertain power failures.
Motherboard is main circuit board or system board which connects one component to another like , cpu, soundcard ram,rom,tv card ,display card, expansion slot etc .it is an important component of computer.
This input device is used to scan images/documents from out sourse.


0/1                         1bit
4 bits                     1nibble
8bits                      1byte
1024bytes            1kilobytes(kb)
1024kb                 1mega bytes(mb)
1024mb                1gigabytes(gb)
1024gb                 1terabytes(tb)
  1. Computer hardware:
This term is related to the equipment that we can touch or feel. The computer has many components interconnected to make a system. These components of the computer system are called the hardware is like a human body. The hardware includes capacitors and other components such as processer monitor keyboard, cable etc.
Computer software:
In contrast to hardware software is invisible and it includes the program or instruction to the computer. You can compare software as or soul hardware as our body. There are two type of computer software.
2. System software:
A. operation system B. language processors. C. Utility software
3. Placation software:
A. tailored software b. Package software


Computer is electronic machine which is depended on electricity .
1. on the basis of work .
A) analog computer (speedometer, slide rule etc)
B) digital computer (digital clock, ibm-pc)
C) hybrid computer (jet plane's engine)
2. on the basis of the size .
A. main frame computer

B. Super computer.
C. Mini computer
D. Micro computer.
i.  Laptop computer
ii. hand (mobile )/ notebook computer
iii. All the personal computer etc.
3. On the basis of brand . pc compatible.
C. Apple /Macintosh
4. On the basis of model
A. extended technology(xt)
B.advance technology(at)

The envelopment process of computer under went to five major phases known as computer generation.
1. First generation.
The first generation computers ware  developed during 1946 to 1958 they used vacuum tubes  or valves as the switching devices . Lee de forest developed vacuum tube s . The first generation computers were  very large in size  , they consumed high power and produced large amount of heat . The first generation  computers are ibm650,ibm 701 etc.
2. Second generation.
The second generation computers were developed during 1959 to 1964 these computers used transistors as switching devices. John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and will am b Shockley developed it . The transistors were smaller in size consumed less power and produced less heat in comparison to vacuum tubes . The second generation computer programming could be done in high language . They are ibm-1401, ibm1620, ibm7050, cdc 1604 etc.
3. Third generation
The third generation computers were developed during 1965 to 1974 these computers used integrated circuits (ic)as switching devieesjack st kelby first developed it . An ic is a circuit with number of transistors integrated on a small silicon chip . In this generation the use  of ic chip to the development of such computers having smaller size higher speed larger storage capacity comparison to the previous generation . Some example of third generation of computer ibm 360, ibm 370, ici 1900 icl-2903
4. Fourth generation.
The fourth generation computers were developed 1975 to 1990 these computer used very large scale integration (vlsi) having about 50000transistors on a chip or microprocesser as switching devices . A microprocesser is a single chip or microprocesser as switching devices a microprocesser is a sinl\gle chip that consist of the entire computer circuitry. An American Intel corporation developed the first microprocesser called 4004 in 1971 . Fourth generation computers are ibm –pc, applemacintosh , Cray x-mp etc.
5. Fifth generation.
The development of the fifth generation computer was started in 1991 . These computers will use biochips as switching devices. They will be able to understand human language and

speak think and make decision. The fifth generatrion computer that is under the development is also known as knowledge information processing system (kips).


DOS stand for disk operating system. It is character user interface (cui) based operating system .Microsoft corporation developed disk operating. It is a single user system. It supports variety of language and can co-exist with other operating system in the same disk.


An operation system is system software that manages overall computer system. It is the master control program of the computer. It provides easy interface to the user to use computer it manage hardware and software in the computer system so that it is used efficiently. The operating system also manages the files and folders in the disk some commonly used operating system are ms –dos, UNIX, linux, ovell. Windows etc.


Window is a graphical user inter face (cui based operating system developed by Microsoft corporation it is developed for ibm pc and ibm developed by Microsoft corporation. It is developed for ibm pc and ibm compatible computers. It provides more friendly and easier interface to users than dos it runs more than dos  does windows 3.1,95,98,2000,nt, xp, xp2005 and windows vista in this the latest version of windows is windows is windows vista
In windows the background area of screen is called the desktop. This is working area of computer. Desktop contains small icons. We can customize the desktop background (color) as our required.
An icon is a small picture representing file folder or program. The default icons in desktop are:
Recycle bin,
Internet explorer,
My document
My computer
My network place
We can also coustomize desktop‘s icon as our required
Taskbar is place at the bottom of desktop and it contains start button quick lunch bar system date and time and buttons for currently running program.
Start menu:
This is main menu associated with windows the following are descriptions of the commands on the default start menu.
Turn off/ shut down:
This option is used to turn off or close the computer.

 Log off:
This command is used to change the user name in the computer
This option is used to open the programs quickly.
Help &support:
This option is used to open the help window
This option is used to find out the file or folder. setting this option is used to set or remove the hardware accessories and software in the computer system.
Gives quick access to the last 15 files than you have opened as well as a shortcut to the documents.
This option is used to open the program that is installed in your computer
File is a collection of data or information in the computer system. It represents a programs icon in the computer
Folder is a container (box).it (stores) contains files. Program or other result form in the computer.
How to create the file or folder in the desktop?
1.    Right click over the desktop area then quick menu dialog box will be appeared
3.    Choose the new option
4.    Click on file or folder option then it icon will be appeared
How to move file or folder?
1.    Right click over file or folder icon which you want to move.
2.    Choose the cut option.
3.    Select folder where your want to move.
4.    Right click over folder area and choose the paste option.
How to open file or folder?
1.    Right click over the file or folder icon
2.    Choose the open option.
How to change the display date and time?
1.    Double click over the display date and time.
2.    Then it dialog box will appear.
3.    Choose the date or time and set appropriate date and time India log box and click on apply and ok button.
How to rename file or folder?
1.    Right click over the file or folder icon
2.    Choose rename option and then type your different file or folder name.
How to display the file and folder properties?

1.    Right click over the file folder icon.
2.    Choose properties option then it [‘s capacity or used space will be papered.
How to delete file or folder?
Select your file or folder and press delete key in keyboard.
How to restore deleted file?
1.    Open the recycle bin.
2.    Right click over the require file and choose restore option.
How to change desktop’s background (color)?
1.    Right click over the desktop area then quick menu dialog box will be appeared
2.    Choose the properties option then it dialog box will  be appeared
3.    Choose the properties option then it dialog box will appear
4.    Click on back ground and choose one format from the list
5.    Click on apply and ok button.
How to setting the screens sever?
1.    Right click over the desktop area then quick menu dialog box will appear.
2.    Choose the properties option then it dialog box will appear
3.    Click on screen sever and choose one format or set or type text.
4.    Click on apply and ok button.
* if you want to add or remove the text. Choose 3d text or marquee option and set the text.


Microsoft paint is a small drawing package or software developed by Microsoft corporation; we can draw pictures fill colors and color combination.

How to open MS – Paint?
Click start button on the taskbar.
Select program option.
Choose accessories and click on ms paint.
Start---run---types, ms paint. ---ok
1.    Free form select.
      This tool is used to select and move the object and text freely.
2.    Select:
This tool selects rectangular part of the picture to cut, move or edit.
3.    Eraser:
Eraser is used to erase the picture or object. You can use different shape and size of eraser
4.    Fill with color :
This tool is used to fill the color in the required place.
5.     Magnifier :
This tool is to change the zoom size of the picture.
6.    Pick color:
This tool is used to choose or pick color form the drawing picture or object.
7.    Pencil:

This tool is used to draw the required picture or object.
8.    Brush :
 This tool is used to paint the selected picture or object.
9.    Air brush :
 This tool is used to spray the picture in different color.
10. Text tool:
This tool is used to insert a text in the picture.
11. Line tool:
This tool is used the horizontal, vertical straight line with the selected width.
12. Curve tool:
This tool is used to draw the curve line.
13. Rectangle tool:
This tool is used to draw the rectangle and square box the selected style.
14. Polygon tool :
This tool is used to draw the polygon shape.
15. Ellipse (circle ) tool:
This tool is used to draw an ellipse or oval as our required.
16. Rounded rectangle tool:
This tool is used to draw rounded rectangle shape as our required.

How to open calculator?

Click on start button on taskbar.
Choose programs option,
Select accessories option and click on calculator
Start>run>calc> ok

How to open window media player?

Click on start button
Choose program option
Choose accessories and entertainment
Click on window media player

How to open media file?

Click on file menu
Choose open option, then it dialog box will appear.
Choose your media file from any location and click on open button.


Microsoft word is word processing software developed by Microsoft Corporation and it runs in windows platform. It provides powerful function to work with text the file created in Microsoft word is called word document and the file extension is. Doc. The Microsoft word is

released in several viral versions like ms word 6, word 97, word 2003, word 2007, in this time the latest version of word is word 2007.

How start MS-Word?
Click on the start button
Select the program
Choose the ms word from dewdrop down list.
Start >run>WinWord>ok
Title bar:
It shows the title of file and title of program and it is also used to move application window.
Menu bar:
It provides access to ms –word commands options.
Standard toolbar:
Toolbar contains small icons representing commands (options)
Formatting toolbar:
It provides the formatting tools and options
Drawing toolbar:
It contains drawing tools or option.
Scroll bar:
It helps to navigate the working area of document horizontal scroll bar is used to scroll horizontally and vertical scroll bar to scroll erotically.
Status bar:
It gives the status of current document or information of document like number of pages current page cursor position etc.
Windows control buttons:
These buttons help us to minimize maximize and close the window.
Working with menu

About menu

1.    File menu:
a)    New: - this option is used to create e a new or blank document (file) in the active screen.
b)    Open: - this option is used to open the previous or old word file which you have already saved.
c)    Save: - this option is used to save the active document in the file name.

d)    Save as: - this option is used to save the active file (document) in different name and it is also used   to give the password for that document.

e)    Page setup: - this option is used to set the current document with, margins, patter size and paper orientation.
f)     Print: - this option is used to print the active file and selected items in paper sheet.
g)    Exit: - this option is used to close or end this program from the active screen.

2.   Edit menu:
a)    Undo:-this option is used to reverse the last action in the active document.
b)    Redo: - this option is used to repeat the last action in the active document.

c)    Cut:-this option is used to remove the selected document in the clipboard .this is available in paste.
d)    Copy: - this option is used to copy the selected document in the clipboard this is available in paste.
e)     Paste: - this option is used to insert the clipboard contents at the insertion point. This command / option are available only if you have cut or copied and selected document.
a)    Paste special: - this option is used to format or edit the picture and other items in different mode or condition a requirement.
b)    Select all: - this option is used to select or block the whole text and graphics in the active screen.
c)     Clear: - this option is used to delete or clear the text objet and other selected items from the active screen.
d)     Replace:-this option is used to search and replace the specified text and formatting in the active document.
e)     Go to: - this option is used to move the cursor in the specific page or criteria step.

  1. VIEW menu:
f)     Normal: - this option is used to view the document in normal view or default structure.
g)     Web layout: - this option is used to view the document in web browser.
h)   Print layout: - this option is used to view the document in print layout structure.
i)     Outline: - this option is used to view the document in outline form.
j)      Ruler: - these options used to display or hide the horizontal and vertical ruler which you can use to set the position of object, change paragraph indents page margins and other spacing setting.
k)    Toolbars: - this option is used to display hide the toolbar option like standard toolbar picture toolbar drawing toolbar for mating toolbar etc. In the active document.
l)     Task pane: - this option is used to display or hid the task pane in the active document where we can create new files search for information view the contents of the clipboard.
m)  Header and footer: - this option is used tool add or change the text that appears at the top and bottom of every page or slide.
n)    Full screen: - this option is used to hide most screen elements so that you can view more of your document.

o)     Zoom: - this option is used to control how large or small the current file appears on the screen.
a)    Break: - this option is used to insert a pages break, column break, from the

insertion point.
b)    Page number: - this option is used to insert page number format in the active document.
c)    Date / time: - these options used to add the date and time in the insertion paint.
d)    Symbol: - this option is used to insert or add the symbols and special character from the fonts that are installed on your computer.
e)    Comment: - this option is used to insert a comment at the insertion point.
f)     Footnote: - these options used to insert a footnote or endnote in to the active document. The note reference mark is inserted at the insertion point.
g)    Picture: - this option is used to insert or add the picture in the active document from the following elements.

h)   Diagram: - this option is used to insert or create n organization chart or a cycle diagram, radial diagram, Venn diagram and other diagram in your document.
i)     Text box: - this option i9s used o draw a text box with horizontal text and vertical text direction where you click or drag.
j)      File:- this option is used to insert all or part of file you select into the active file at the insertion point.
k)    Objects: - these options used to insert or add the object or mathematical equation in the active document.
l)     Book mark: - this option is used to create book marks. Which you can use to mark selected text, graphics, table or other items.
m)  Hyperlink: - these options used to insert a new hyperlink or den it’s the selected hyperlink in the active document.
n)   Paragraph: - this option is used to change paragraph indents text alignment line spacing pagination and other paragraph formats of the selected document.
o)    Bullet and numbering: - this option is used to add bullet and numbers so selected paragraph and modified the bullets and numbering formats.

5. FORMAT menu:
a)    Font: - this option is used to change the font, font size font style, font color, character spacing, text effects and other formats.
b)    Border and shading: - this option is used to add border and shading to selected text paragraph, pages table cells or picture.
c)    Columns: - this option is used to divide (change) the selected document in number of columns.
d)    Tabs: - this option is used to set the position and alignment of tab and tabs stops and determines the types of leader character for each tab stop.
e)    Drop cap: - this option is used to apply the drop cap format in the active document.
f)     Text direction: - this option is used to rate the text top to bottom or bottom to top.
g)    Change case: - this option is used to change the selected text in different case like sentence case upper case like sentence case, upper case lower case toggle case, title case etc.

h)   Background: - this option is used to add and remove the back ground on the screen.
Spelling and grammar :( f7)
This option is used to check the active document for possible spelling grammar and writing
style errors and displays suggestions for correcting them.
Set language
Language thesaurus
Language hyphenation
This option is used to set the language in the computer and to look up the language
thesaurus of word and language hyphenation.
Word count:
This option is used to cunt the numbers of page lines characters paragraph etc. Of the
active document.
Protect document:

This option is used to protect (lock) the active document with password.
  1. Click on tools menu
  2. Choose protect document option and then it’s dialog box will be appeared
  3. Choose one format and assign the password and repeat it.
  4. Click on ok button.
*if you want to go back or go to previous format, click on unprotect option.
Mail mirage wizard:
This option is used to create mail or letter to send more than one person or office from the
single page regularly.
1.    On the tools menu point to letter and mailings click on mail merge wizard then mail merge option will appear on the task pane.
2.    Click on next , starting document
3.    Click on select recipients.
4.    Choose on type a new list and click on create.
5.    New address list dialog box will appear
6.    If you want to add or remove the fields, click on customize .you can selected add and rename the fields, then click on ok button.
7.    Type your u} 8{data.
8.    If you want to add more data click on new entry and so on. After finished data entry click on close button then save address list dialog box will appear.
9.    Type your file and click on save button.
10. Type your file and click on save button then mal merge recipients dialog box will appear.
11. Click on ok button then the mail merge toolbar active on screen.
12. Click on insert merge feeds then insert merge dialog box will appear.
13. Choose on fields then insert merge dialog box will appear.
14. Choose on fields and click on insert button. After finished the fields click on close button
15. Type your letter then click on previews your letter. Then click on complete the mega
16 want to create the individual letter click one did individual letters then click on ok button.
Autocorrect options:

This option is used to set the options or correct text in the computer.
This command is used to modify the Microsoft office programs such as screen appearance,
printing editing spelling and other option.

This option is used to customize the toolbar buttons menu commands and create shortcut
key assignment etc.
Auto fit to contents:
This option is used to fit text table in text size automatically.

Draw table:
This option is used to create a table were you drag in the document and inside the table to
add row and column.
Insert table:
This option is used to insert or add the table in the active document with the number of 
columns and rows you specify.
Insert columns/rows /cells:
This option is used to insert or add the columns / rows or cells in the insertion point.
Delete table:
This option is used to delete (clear) the active table from the computer
Delete row /column/cell:
This option is used to delete the selected cell/row or column in the active table.
Select table /row/ column/cell
This option is used to block the active table /cell /column /row in the active document.


Ms – power point xp is a graphical presentation package or software developed by Microsoft Corporation. That allows you to create presentation on different aspects with the help of slides. It is really a significant application that you will find very friendly user as it provides the easy and interesting way to prepare slides in different modes for creating a presentation.
a)    Duplicate: - this option is used to create duplicate of the selected text object or slide
in the active presentation.
b)    Delete slide: - this option is used to delete the selected slide from the active presentation.
View menu
a)    Slide sorter: - this option is used to arrange the prepare slide in the active screen.
b)    Slide show: - this option is used to display your slide in the active screen.
c)    Notes pages: - this option is used to display the note pages for the selected slide where you can create speaker notes for the slides.
d)    Monster slide: - this option is used to display the slide master where you can set the default layout and formatting for all slides except title slides.
Insert menu
a)    New slide: - this option is used to insert or add the new slide in the active presentation.

b)    Slide number: - this option is used to insert or add the slide number in the individual. If you want to add the slide number in the individual. If you want to add individual. If you want to add the slide number to every slide number to every slide use the header and option.
Format menu

a)    Slide design: - this option is used to display the slide design task pan, where you can design templates color schemes and animation schemes.
b)    Slide layout: - this option is used to change the layout of the selected slide or reapplies the current master styles to the place holder if you've modified their attributes.
Slide show menu
a)    View show: animation schemes :- this option is used to apply the animation effect in
the selected slide.
b)   Custom animation: - this option is used to add the animation effect on the current slide or all slides. Animation effect includes sounds text and object movement movies that occur during slide show.
a.    Slide transition: - this option is used to set or apply the time and effects in the selected slides are all slide automatically.


Microsoft excel is spread sheet program, developed by Microsoft corporation it runs in windows environment. It provides many formulas and functions to calculate data or number s. The file created in excel is known as work book. It is collection of work sheets. A work sheet is combination of rows and columns. The worksheet has 65536 rows and 356 columns. The extension of excel is. Xl.

Condition                       result
True false                        false
False                                true
Excel has built in formula formula makes you to calculate easily. Some command built in formula:
A.sum (cell range):
This formula is used to calculate in total form (addition) of the selected cell range.
Eg.sum ((b2:h2) enter.
B. Average (cell range)
This formula is used to calculate in average form the select4ed cell range.
E.g. = average (b2:h2) enter.
C. Max :( cell range):
This formula is used to find out the maximums value from the given cell range.
D.min (cell range):
It helps to find out the minimum value of the required data.
E.g. =min (b2:h2)
E. count:

It helms to count the record of the entry.
=count (b2:h2) enter
F. today & nowadays
It helps to display today‘s date and current time
=today () or now () enter.
G. upper:
This function is used to change into uppercase to the select text.

Upper (“raj”) enter
H. lower:
This function is used to change selected text into lower case.
=lower (“ram”) enter>
Practical format of excel
=sum (h2:K2) enter.                             Addition
=c2*d2 enter                                          multiplication
=c2-d2 enters                                        subtraction
=c2*10/100 enter                                   percentage (value)
=c2/d2enter                                            divide.
Edit menu
a)    Delete sheet: - this option is used to delete the selected sheets from the work sheet this command might not be undo.
b)    Move or copy sheet:-this option is used to move or copies the selected sheets to another work book or to a different location within the same work book.
c)    Go to: - this option is used to move the cursor in the specific calls range.
View menu
a)    Page break preview: - this option is used to view data in page breaking view.
b)    Formula bar: - this option is used to display or hi9de the formula bar from the screen.
c)    Status bar: - this option is used to display o hide the status bar.
Insert menu
a)    Insert (rows /cells / columns):- this option is used to insert the number of cell s, rows
Or columns you select.
b.    Worksheet: - this option is used to insert a new worksheet to the left of the selected
c)    Chart: - this option is used to insert the chart in the insertion point.
d)   Symbol: - this option is used to insert symbols and special characters from the fonts that are installed on your computer.
e)    Cells: this option used to apply formats to the selected cells this command might not available if the sheet is protected.
f)     Height: - this sub option is used to change the height of select rows.
Auto fit: - this option is used to adjust the row height to the minimum necessary to display the height of the tallest cell is the selection.
g)   Hide: - this option is used to hide the selected rows hidden row do no delete from the work sheet.
h)   Unhide: - this option is used to display rows in current selection that work previous hidden.
i)     Conditional formatting: - this option is used to apply the formats to selected cells that meat specific criteria of special format you specify.
Style: - this option is used to define or apply the stole to the selected format in the active sheet.
A)   monthly Income & Expenditure Report

Pascal Computer & Language College
Chabahil ,chowk kathmandu
monthly Income & Expenditure Report
2010 August
Expenditure source
Income source
House rent
Admission fee
Monthly fee
Electric & water
Tution fee
Certificate fee
Office & stationary
I.d card






  Accountant                                                                                                   Managing Director

Stage of Human Being
Nepal Human Resource Development Programme
Voter or non- voter
Non –voter
Yal lal